Tuesday, December 5, 2006

National Skills Registry ! Why?

National Skills Registry ! Why?

NASSCOM recently brought a new initiative with the help of IT and ITES companies in India. it is National Skills Registry of all employees who are working in IT and ITES industry In India. It is learned that the new initiative provides a fool proof concept of employee resumes and their skills and reduce the overhead of all software / ITES companies in India, by authenticating the Skills and experience of the employee.

To register your resume with national skills registry employees need to pay a payment of 250 Rs as a registration fees and with the finger print of the employee will be taken and stored in the Registry. NASSCOM says that it is a fool proof technology from which there won't be any false resume and false identity are stored in the registry. Employees must pay an annual fee of 50 Rs to maintain the resumes in the registry

Well this is a good Initiative which helps employers a lot, but

what will be the uses of employees.

Authentication from Authorities.

Since NASSCOM is a central goverment Initiated group, employees get an authentication for their skills which are sent during employment. With the National Skills Registry number those resumes may carry an extra weightage from those who are not having those National skills registry Number.

Centralised Resumes

All the resumes are available through secure internet connectivity from national skills registry and employers can verify/ download the resumes with the NSR number which a employee provide to them. Thus reducing the paperwork of carrying the resumes where ever the employee goes. All the resumes are stored in centralised Databases which means the employees can retrieve the resumes at any point of time.

Updated Resume

These NSR Stored resumes will always be updated and available for the employees. All employees can able to edit the resumes by adding skills that was precured during their career path. Also they can update their experience more accurately.

Why Employers are inviting this initiative

National Skills registry initiative recieved more cheers from employers than employees. Why employers are welcoming this initiative.

Reduced Post Appointment Cost

Employers from IT and ITES industry of India verifies the employee in the name of Background verification checks. Employers spend lakhs of rupees to verify the authenticity of certificates, employees experience, their background, police cases etc. By this National Skills Registry method these checks can be eliminated or minimized because there may be some employers who have done those verification and updated in the regsitry from employers perspective.

Thus reducing the verification means the reduction of money spent on background verification and increase of Authenticated employees.

Verification of resumes

Most of the employees handle more than one type of resumes during their job hunt. Employees do changes in the resumes in accordance to the employer they are appearing. This can be eliminated by this National Skills registry method because all the changes which are made can be stored in archives and an employee can have only one resume at any point of time. Thus by eliminating the manipulation on resume employer get only a authenticated resumes.

Attrition Rates can be handled

Most of the IT/ITES industry professionals jumps jobs very frequently due to the lump package which is offered in other companies. This creates a big problem for employers due to high attrition rates in the Industry. This brings the production loss for the employers. By maintaining the employment history of an resume employers can always verify the resume authenticity and the history of companies which the employee worked.

Employers can even update the reason for leaving from employers perspective which can be viewed by other employers who are searching the history of the resume. This will give a different view regarding the reason of leaving from the employee reason. No employee says the reason of leaving as the salary because this reason will disqualify their resume. But an employer perspective may be due to salary constraints which are handled in this initiative.

Negotiations of Salary Issues

During recent years due to unavailablity of High skilled employees within IT/ITES industry, High Skilled professionals are taking advantage of negotiating the employers by having more than one offers from various employers. if the employee is crucial for the employers they are negotiating with employee for the salary and pther perks. This makes other employers to suffer because of the notice period and re initialisation of interviews and other things.

If an employers provides an offer to an employee who has their resume in National Skills registry then they can block the resume in national Skills registry with the help of status. When other employers search for the history/ status of the resume they can easily identify the offer provided by their couter part. This may lead to disqualification of the employee's negotiation and delays are avoided within the Industry

Why we need national skills registry

Due to the competitive IT/ITES world, there is a need of mapping the skills which is available within the industry. By maintaining the centralised Database of skills we have the exact figure of the skills avilable and exact information about their work status. This even may help during collabrative works by two or more companies for a project by showing a right direction to complete the project.

There are lot of things happening here within IT/ITEs industry, many software gaints have requested their employees to register in the national skills registry.

But most of the employees are repeating same question!

Why do we need to pay money when the employer is getting benifited by our registration?
Why NASSCOM is not requesting money from employers who are registered with national skills registry?

May be employees or even me don't know about this. Any employers who is registered with national skills registry please respond about this.

From my view the registration fees can be incured by NASSCOM itself because it is a goverment funded body and a collabrative group of all IT and ITES Companies. But employees can handle the annual maintainance fees because it is our resume which we are maintaining. This registration and maintainence provides some authentication for our work/skills history.

Do let me know your comments

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