Monday, August 21, 2006

50 terabyte DVDs?

50 terabyte DVDs?

that’s a lot of space on one DVD. how much? it’s a bit hard to grasp. but 50 terabytes is the same as 51,200 gigabytes, or rather equivalent to 10,893 DVDs (@ 4.7 gigabytes each). completely amazing. these super high capacity DVDs it seems are closer to reality. Professor V. Renugopalakrishnan of the harvard medical school developed a disc with a layer of genetically altered proteins called bacteriorhodopsin that makes the mega-storage 50 terabyte DVDs possible. the proteins are only nano meters across so a lot can fit on the surface of a DVD disc. when light shines on bacteriorhodopsin, it is converted to a series of intermediate molecules - each with a unique shape and colour before returning to its original form or ‘ground state’. this is the basis for the binary code for such storage, with the molecular conversion of intermediate molecules being the one and the ‘ground state’ being the zero. Prof Renu gopalakrishnan and his colleagues genetically modified the DNA that produces bacteriorhodopsin protein to produce an intermediate state that lasts for more than several years. the finding were presented at the 2006 International Conference On Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. there is more to read about it from articles on engaget and also digital video guru.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Do´s and Don´ts on Attracting Women With Your Look

Do's and Don'ts on Attracting Women With Your Looks

TIP #1 - Yes, sexy single women are attracted sexually and romantically to men with nice bodies and having a fit body usually means that you take care of yourself and take pride in your body.

However, there's one way that fitness can backfire on you and actually cause women to lose interest in you. Let me explain...if you are an exercise freak and your whole life revolves around body building and all you can talk about is your body and exercising, this can turn off women who don't share your enthusiasm. Due to your obsession with yourself, they may even think you are self- centered and stuck on yourself.

All I'm saying is you can have a nice body, but focus all your attention on the woman you're with. Your body will speak for itself, you don't have to constantly call attention to it. You don't have to cram your exercising and fitness lifestyle down a woman's throat unless you both are consumed with fitness.

TIP #2 - Keep your fingernails and toenails short and clean. Women notice things like dirty or long fingernails and toenails. It may surprise you, but a woman may not even date you because of unsightly fingernails or toenails.

TIP #3 - If you have gray or graying hair, leave it alone! Don't dye it or cover it up! Most single women are very attracted to men with gray or graying hair. They think it looks sexy and distinguished.

TIP #4 - If you have a moustache, be sure and keep it short and neatly trimmed. Women are turned off by long moustaches that invade their nostrils during kissing. Also, keep it clean and don't let it collect food.

TIP #5 - Here's another problem that can turn some single women off. It's your nose hair and ear hair. As you get older these hairs grow like a weed and can become unsightly to some women. Trim your nose hairs and when you get a hair cut have stylist clip the hair out of your ears.

In closing, be aware that single women notice little things about your appearance that you may not even be aware of or things you may not consider important. The name of the game is attracting sexy single women and you certainly don't want them to be turned off by some flaw in your looks which you can easily correct.

P.S. - This article written by Don Diebel (Americas #1 Singles Expert).
