Thursday, February 15, 2007

What Would the World Be Like Without Bai and Her Nipple

What Would the World Be Like Without Bai and Her Nipple

OK, so actress Bai Ling went to some fancy art exhibit in Berlin. That doesn't make that much sense. Who invited her there? Why? What were they thinking? Do they not know her and her ever-present nipples/boobies?... and the powers they have of popping out of garments whenever she wants them to?

Anyway, for some reason or another, somebody invited Bai to said exhibit and it didn't seem to matter to her that it was an art show. She probably only heard that it was 'exhibit' and, therefore, she had to put something on display. Right? What would a public appearance be without the actress showing some part or another of her body? No, strike that: how would the world find meaning in life without her doing so?

This is, like, the millionth time that the actress and part-time socialite flashes her stuff in front of the camera. Usually, things like this happen on the red carpet or in some D-list club (she is rarely granted access to places where the A-listers party). But she wasn't going to make an exception this time: after posing with every art work on display (this probably being her understanding of the term 'go to see art works'), Bai sat down for an instant photo op.

You all know her, the girl always delivers. Not once did she disappoint us and she is not showing any signs that she will begin to in the near future. So, as Bai sat demurely on the couch, one of her breasts popped out of the very classy and chic red dress. It's like certain parts of her body have a mind of their own. I can almost hear her boobs saying to themselves: 'Jeez, it's getting kinda stuffy in here. I think I'm going to go out for a nipple of fresh air'. Said and done.

On the brighter side (if this wasn't enough to make your day), I totally dig the way she matched that heinous green necklace with her red and black dress. Sure, it's the kind of combination that never fails. Yeah, she's the real thing indeed! Here's also a close up of Bai's most precious asset, just because I know you want it. Enjoy!

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