Sunday, August 26, 2007

Owen Wilson Attempts Suicide

Owen Wilson Attempts Suicide - We're all shocked - and we really really hope he didn't mean it

owen wilsonOwen Wilson was rushed to hospital on Sunday afternoon after his brother Andrew found him unconscious at his house in Santa Monica. But what we all believed to be a drug overdose of some sort turned out to be something much more sinister than that. It's official – and shocking: Owen attempted to kill himself.

Things like these always make me wonder just how miserable life can be for someone to make them actually want and try to take it away and cut everything short. Owen was discovered by his brother with both wrists slashed. He had also swallowed a bottle of pills, and was taken to hospital in a critical state, but is now reportedly stable. A recent update provided by the National Enquirer states that "Owen Wilson has now been transferred from St. John's to another Los Angeles area hospital. His brothers Andrew and Luke are with him. Andrew found him after the suicide attempt and called an ambulance. Both of Owen's wrists were slashed superficially and Owen had taken an overdose of pills".

Remember that look of boyish "I don't care, life's good" look Wilson always displayed? Looks like it was nothing but a mask, and I wonder what secrets this guy has been hiding that might have made him decide to take his own life. But as everybody has been saying since this shocking news leaked out, it can't be worth it – nothing is worth taking your own life, that's for sure. We can only hope that Owen's brothers get to the bottom of this and make him see sense. And I sure hope it's not because Kate Hudson dumped him – I'm definitely sure she's not worth it. But I still can't get over the shock – he always seemed like a nice, chilled guy who didn't worry too much about anything. I suppose it's always the quiet ones that really decide to go through with it – I mean, no one actually believed that story about Paris Hilton who was released from jail because there were concerns she might do herself in (maybe those of us who were tired of seeing her face all over the news were secretly hoping she'd at least try – joke). But it's not worth it – and I'm sure Owen will realize that himself when he wakes up and will feel incredibly silly for having tried it.

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