Thursday, September 28, 2006

True Friendships

Throughout our lives, we come across people who we attach labels to. There are acquaintences, who play a role in our lives but whom we do not allow ourselves to become close too. There are those we grant the status of friend too, but in the long run, when we need them the most...we can and do at times discover...our judgment was misguided! Thru my eyes at least, the title "friend"... is handed out far too loosely by other's and that is where the mistake is made.

Someone does not become our "friend" casually; but rather, such a relationship is "Earned through their actions and interactions with us. In some cases, folks cherish the term friend, and bestow such closeness and reliance to just a few. Perhaps it is because to them, a "Friend" many ways a "True Friend" will always try to be there for us. Not just to listen or share a shoulder, but to celebrate our successes, and catch us when we have fallen. When all around us is or seems to be ashes, a friends hand, smile and voice we hope will be there.

A "True Friend" knows what sacrifice, pain, and disappointment is and means to you. They will never betray your trust. If they can be there for know inside that they will be there. This is the distinguishing difference between friend and acquaintence. We know aquaintences on the bus, in church, at work, in a fast food place, but we know little about them and they, little about us. We share few personal things with them.

I have heard over my 4 years on the web, stories of people who placed their trust in a friend, confided, shared, and believed that what was said was keep between two people, only to discover that they were no friend at all! Action will always speak louder then words and when the chips are down...when you feel desperate, crushed and alone, only then do you come to know who your true friends are! It has always been this way and will always be this way! Some people make friends very easily and quickly...but are they really friends so soon? Or are they instead, friendly acquaintences?

Each of us must decide who and how many will become our inner circle of friends!
Each of us, no matter how angry we may be at someone who we realize is "Not our friend"...must bear the responsibility for their misjudgment of the person they now are angry at. There are those who like to be surrounded by others and they may indeed all be friends. Who am I to judge who their friends are? Then there are other's who have few friends because to them...calling someone a "Friend" is the greatest honor they can bestow upon another person.

Everyone has friends who they remember through the years, and each of us remember or try to forget someone that hurt us deeply. In the area of relationships, a couple are not just lover's, they are companions, mates, partner's, but they are or should be "Best Friends". A partner is the first person we should rely upon to celebrate our newest accomplishment, and the first person we turn to if we are having a rotten day. A friend will always stop what they are doing and listen to you. They will try to be the missing piece to help get you back on your feet.

Words like friendship, trust, compassion, understanding, courage, forgiveness, and being there for someone are all fine words. But what is better what they have done for us, and us for them. Action truely speaks louder then words!

I wish everyone "True Freindships in their lives. I wish them good times, not bad. I wish them love, life and laughter.


Source : Email from US Singles and relationships member named the story teller

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