Sunday, July 22, 2012

Kim Kadashian was heartbroken after hearing Colorado shooting

Kim Kadashian was heartbroken after hearing Colorado shooting

Kim Kardashian seems to have found a moment to share her thoughts with the world about the early morning Batman movie Colorado shooting that left 12 dead and dozens injured at an Aurora movie theater. The incident occurred only minutes after midnight for the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. The reality star Kim Kardashian just heard the news midday Friday after landing in Miami and found she needed to be heard about the tragic situation.

“Just landed in Miami & heard the tragic news re:the shooting in Aurora. This is so devastating & beyond words. Nothing is worth causing so much pain to so many people. I`m angry and heartbroken,” tweeted Kim Kardashian from her official Twitter. With over 15 million followers, Kim Kardashian used a special service to send a lengthy tweet online as 140 characters didn't seem to be enough to share her sadness.

Hollywood has been quick to respond to the Colorado shooting. The entertainers have found that their hearts and sympathy have gone not only to the victims but everyone involved as the killing is so shocking.

Kim Kardashian's response along with others in Hollywood no doubt will continue to pour in. The tragedy has touched the entire nation and being it was at a movie Hollywood loved, everyone will continue to support each other.

Source: Examiner

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