Monday, June 12, 2006

Friendship, The Hidden treasure for human kind

Penfriends - one name for the friendship which we create with a person whose face is faraway from us. This friendship is created between two singles by hearts not by skin. There is a lot of names for penfriends, names like penpals, personals are refering penfriends only. Getting a friend or group of friends is not a easy job for mankind. For getting a friendship from one person from heart the people must work a lot for that.

There is a lot of ways to get introduced to other singles or personals. some traditional ways is getting introduction by our own friend to their friends group. This method is very old method of getting introduced. There is a small problem with this kind of introduction. we may be of good character for our own friend, But we cannot think like that for his/her friends. At that time not only our relationship with those new friends group broke but also the friendship of our own friend with them also brokes.

In this internet world there is more ways to get ourselves introduced to others. Some are by groups. There is a lot of penfriends group where we get friendship by emails, Some use the chatrooms. If we log into any chatrooms like yahoo chat and msn chat we can see a lot of people who is chatting with their new friends.

After getting introduced these friends try to make the relationship more stronger by constant communication through telephone, emails, shareing gifts etc. Once they get comfortable with the person they try to meet in real to know each other better.

Friendship is a gift of mankind. Since we have a good friendship heart only we live in this world. Without good heart we can't go anywhere. People will ignore us and won't help us when we are in trouble. Friendship is between two minds, It involves a lot of emotional feelings. When you have a friend who can share your feelings, you will be the happiest person in this world. when we have a friend they never let us alone.

Life without a good friend is meaningless. For getting a good penfriend or a penpals we need to work hard with pure friendly heart. Getting a person as a penfriend by mouth is simple. But for getting a penfriend who tells you as a friends from heart will last long for Life.Penfriendship is a best method to know each and every person mind because friends comes with different character which we don't know.

There is a lot of singles who meet as a strangers first then get friendship and get married. In this kind of friendship both the person will know each other better. When you marry and give the status as a lifepartner to a person who know about you fully, then that relationship bonding never fails at any cost.

Love is also one kind of friendship where the personals who are in love will open their heart to others which is also happening in friendship. Friends are the best ways to find a persons character. By looking into your friends circle any one can tell about you and your character. So only There is a english proverb with a meaning of "Tell your Friends, I will tell your character.". There is some different persons in the friendship circle. A person who is having only bad friends may also live as good. A person whose friends are good may also lead to bad life. It changes depending upon person to person.

Friends will giveup anything to others but not their friendship. Friends or pals comes with you where ever you go. We may have a lot of Friends during our happy times. But the person who stays with us during our sad times is the only best friend or friends we got. As we said friendship lies in hearts, when the heart is sad the friend must comfort that heart.

Friends bring joy to the mind. They takes all our sorrows by giving happy times. Friendship never expect anything from us, Instead it gives everything that we ask. meaning of true friendship lies in this. When a friend expects something from us then there is some problem in our relationship. friendship means sharing. No one can bet us that we don't know anything about our friends. If we don't know about friends whom we have then we are not considering them as true friends. There won't be any secrets in the life of friends. friends share everything within friendship.

So Get friends and get going friends...

Interested! Stay tuned with your friends and me. lets make a good friendly time.

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